PEGLens Contact Lens

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The Problem

Contact lens companies know from experience that silicone-hydrogel materials are a challange to develop. Clinicians know SiHy lenses may delivery good oxygen permeability, but they can be less comfortable at the end of the day. They are typically too complex to manufacturer.

The Solution:

Introducing the PEGLens from Ocutec.

Made from Ocutec’s PEGgel material technology, patented PEGLens delivers excellent comfort, unprecedented hydrogel oxygen performance, ideal for either daily or monthly replacement len

CE Marked Product Specifiation

Property Value
Material OcuPEG
Water Content 74%
Diameter 14.2mm (=/- 0.2)
Power Range +8.00 to -10.00D
Base Curve 8.60mm (=/- 0.2)
Centre Thickness 0.065mm(-3.00D)
DK 45 Barrers (Dk/t 64 @ 0.070mm CT)
Elastic Modulus 0.55 MPa
Elongation >100%
Transmission >95%
Wetting Angle >54°